In The Battle

I don't think I've ever experienced quite this degree of spiritual warfare. 2015 was close with Mark's Dad's death, stressful work transitions for Mark, and Joey's completely unexpected 10-weeks-premature birth. 

This year started off with an anvil, followed by relentless hail storms; no sooner do we catch our breath (if we're lucky) than the next one arrives. Rather than making me give up hope in God, it highlights the fallenness of this world - or, in Mark's words, "Everything is broken. Even the good is broken," & deepens my longing for Heaven, for God, for a life everlasting with no mourning, crying, or pain. 

I don't doubt the destination, but the journey is exhausting. 

I am so grateful for friends. You all. Everyone supporting us, praying us through this season. Thank you. 

I find it interesting that the Tuesday before Joey's 1st Communion, he fractured his back, and the Tuesday before Nina's 1st Communion (our goddaughter and Heidi & Kevin's middle child) I end up in the E.R. with cold-related respiratory symptoms I've never had...but you know who has? Nina. 

It's these "coincidences" that have made the battle so glaringly obvious. We live in a war zone. 

This week, St. Paul's words, "To live is Christ, and to die is gain" have imprinted themselves on my heart. The clarity of the brokenness of even the good puts in right order that it's all passing, and only Love will remain. So I cling to Love Himself, because even in the battle, in Him my Heaven begins now.

...and that's the wonder of this difficult season. When I allow His transformative Love to be my "hermeneutic" so to speak - that all of this is for His glory and for greater union of my heart to His - even in (though in my weakness, more often after) the bitterness of the storm lingers the sweetness of Heaven.


  1. Beautiful picture. Glad to see you all smiling despite everything! Happy Easter!

  2. You live your faith so beautifully. We're still praying for you all every day.


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